MindEdge Online Learning

Introduction to Information Technology

Introduction to Information Technology

Introduction to Information Technology provides learners with a solid foundation in all major aspects of computing technology. The course covers Information Technology (IT) from the early days of computing to the current cloud computing, social media platforms, and beyond. Students will explore the fundamentals of networking, software, and programming. Students will learn to speak the complex language of information technology and gain an understanding of how to harness the power of sophisticated technology tools.

The course includes pre-assessments, self-assessments, interactive exercises, videos, and games that appeal to a variety of learning styles. Narrative scenarios and case studies will give students opportunities to use critical thinking skills and apply their IT knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Topics covered in this course include the evolution of information science, IT security, operating systems, computing architecture and design, programming languages, the software development life cycle, types of malware and computing attacks, networking, telecommunications, and the internet, networking devices and protocols, computer hardware and devices, database management, computing models, mobile computing, social media, cloud computing, e-commerce, ethics and IT, and IT policy and governance.


Module 1: Introduction and History

  • Define IT and describe the core concepts in IT
  • Trace the evolution of information technology, to its earliest roots
  • Name some early computing devices
  • Name early contributors to the field of IT
  • Describe Moore’s Law
  • Understand how big data is being used by organizations
  • Explain what IT governance is, and why IT security is increasingly important
  • Differentiate between different IT roles
  • Compare some of the many IT certifications available

Module 2: Computing Basics

  • Define computer components and describe what their functions are
  • Describe the binary numbering system
  • Explain what a computer program is, and why they are critical
  • Describe what a CPU is, and what purpose memory serves
  • Define what software is and what it does
  • Identify various types of storage
  • Define what a user is
  • Explain what a user interface is
  • Describe what a network is
  • Explain what a database is and why databases are important

Module 3: Operating Systems

  • Define operating system components and describe their functions
  • Describe the kernel and its function
  • Relate the function of device drivers and utility programs
  • Describe process, file, and memory management
  • Evaluate some of the differences between major OSs
  • Identify early OSs and mobile OSs
  • Describe the open source movement

Module 4: Programming and Languages

  • Describe common programming terms and concepts
  • Define the main types of programming languages
  • Relate concepts such as abstraction, variables, and syntax in programming
  • Describe what assemblers, compilers, and interpreters are
  • Evaluate some of the differences between object-oriented (OOP) languages and other languages
  • Describe input and output (I/O) instructions
  • Evaluate assignment, selection, and iteration statements
  • Identify DOS commands and how they are used in selected code examples
  • Describe the Bash shell language and evaluate example code
  • Elaborate on the characteristics of web programming languages

Module 5: Software and Applications

  • Compare and contrast various types of software and applications
  • Describe the software development life cycle (SDLC)
  • Explain the importance of managing software
  • Describe the various types of system software
  • Identify application security controls
  • Differentiate between native and web apps
  • Describe the major types of malware and their countermeasures

Module 6: Networks and the Internet

  • Differentiate between different network infrastructures and topologies
  • Compare and contrast the OSI and TCP/IP models
  • Describe commonly used network, routing, and data link protocols
  • Explain what hubs, repeaters, switches, and routers are
  • Evaluate different VPN technologies
  • Describe common network attacks and their countermeasures

Module 7: Databases and Big Data

  • Describe different types of databases, and their uses
  • Define data warehouse, data mining, and metadata
  • Explain what a query language is
  • Identify common query languages
  • Describe different types of database interfaces
  • Explain how knowledge-based systems, inference engines, and expert systems fit together
  • Define heuristic and rule-based programming
  • Identify common database security issues
  • Describe what big data is, and some pitfalls in its usage

Module 8: Information Security

  • Define data breaches and the fundamentals of information security
  • Explain what hackers do, and why
  • Differentiate between different access control models
  • Identify different authentication protocols
  • Describe different access control methods
  • Determine the proper use of several network access controls
  • Describe different authentication techniques
  • Explain what single-sign on technologies (SSO) are
  • Identify cryptography terms and explain why they are important
  • Describe risk and risk management
  • Differentiate between a business continuity plan and a disaster recovery plan
  • Describe common access control attacks

Module 9: Cloud Computing

  • Describe cloud computing, abstraction layers, and deployment models
  • Compare and contrast various types of distributed computing technologies
  • Define virtualization and how it is different from cloud computing
  • Describe hypervisors and virtual machines
  • Identify components of a cloud architecture
  • Compare different cloud service models: SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS
  • Provide examples of web security best practices
  • Describe various malware types, common cloud threats, and countermeasures
  • Explain what the three basic cloud models are
  • Describe some advantages and disadvantages to using a cloud approach
  • Explain what cloud management is, and what cloud monitoring tools are used for
  • Describe the criteria for selecting a cloud service provider

Module 10: Mobile Computing, E-Commerce, and Social Media

  • Discuss the technologies that make mobile computing possible
  • Understand wireless standards and wireless networks
  • Compare the different mobile operating systems and identify the components of a typical cell phone/smartphone.
  • Describe and define Web 2.0 and its supporting technologies
  • Compare e-commerce to m-commerce and name some popular e-commerce platforms
  • Compare different social media websites and describe ethical challenges to using social media
  • Explain search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Describe virtual and sharing communities

Module 11: Information Governance

  • Explain what information governance and information security governance are
  • Differentiate between policies, procedures, standards, and more
  • Discuss the information lifecycle and its management criteria
  • Compare and contrast different enterprise information systems
  • Define the components of business intelligence and decision support systems
  • Explain what IT strategic planning is
  • Describe legal, ethical and privacy considerations that apply to IT
  • Differentiate between various IT jobs
  • Discuss future trends and technologies in IT